The Eiffel Tower is regarded as the tallest building in France and is composed of gigantic latticework structure. In addition the Eiffel Tower is presently possessed by the City of Paris as well as is utilized as a landmark for tourists. The Eiffel Tower was constructed in the year 1889 for the Paris Exposition. The Eiffel tower was completed in the year 1889 as well as was almost torn down 20 yrs afterward subsequent to the end of its lease.

On the other hand, it was kept since numerous thought it was an antenna designed for the telegraphy and would be extremely useful. In the year 1910, it turned out to be a numerous most visited sites all over the world. This Tower has fascinated more than a quarter of a billion tours element of the International Time Service. Furthermore, the Eiffel Tower is regarded as one of the in its existence.
Also, the Eiffel Tower at hours of darkness is experienced as one of the few most beautiful attractions in this city as well as shines in a golden color, which is visible to the majority of areas in Paris. Even these days, the Eiffel Tower acts as a sign of the beauty of Paris.
This tower has demonstrated an important benefit all across the world of communications as well as continues to be one of the most popular tourist attractions in Paris. Moreover, hard the Eiffel tower facts along with legendary stunts prolong to rebel imagination.
Construction of the Eiffel tower:
The Eiffel Tower was constructed for the World Fair that took place in the year 1889, which also overlapped with the centennial of the French Revolution. Out of the numerous designs that were submitted as part of the competition, the plan made by Alexandre Gustave Eiffel was selected and as a result he was the one who was responsible for the construction of the Eiffel Tower.
Eiffel Tower Facts
Even if it is regarded as one of the few best known monuments all across the world, many the Eiffel Tower facts are by no means recognized to numerous.
Following are a few important the Eiffel Tower facts:
Construction of the Eiffel Tower commenced on Jan 26, 1887
Construction of the Eiffel Tower was finished on March 31, 1889
Construction of the Eiffel Tower commenced required around 2 yrs, 2 months, as well as 5 days from the start to its end.
Alexandre Gustave Eiffel was provided the responsibility of the towers erection, moreover he was the main architect, and moreover Maurice Koechlin along with Emile Nouguier were appointed as the main engineers. In addition, Stephen Sauvestre was the chief architect, as well as Jean Compagnon managed the construction of this tower.
Alexandre Gustave Eiffel had also designed the internal framework of the Statue of Liberty in 1885.
The total height of the Eiffel Tower is 324 m.
Various material that were used for the Eiffel Tower included wrought iron (commonly the puddle iron) of the premier quality
The total amount of wrought iron that was used in the Eiffel Tower was around 9441 tons.