What if I told you that there was a place where you could catch world class yellowfin tuna, pacific sailfish, snapper, grouper, and many more types of fish? What if I told you that place was not only beautiful but one of the greatest retirement spots and best living in Panama? Pedasi, and Panama in general, have become known for its world renowned fishing spots.

There is quality fishing right off of the most prime Panama real estate. There are so many fish here that Panama in a literal translation means “abundance of fish!”
It has over 40 IGFA (International Game and Fishing
Association) world records and 24 junior world records.
Suffice it to say that if you’re looking for fishing, this is the place to go.
Living in Panama provides the locals and the retirees with perfect fishing weather all year long. While some species are seasonal you can fish here year round. For those who are coming from a different part of the world, getting to the best fishing in Panama takes a little more planning than simply packing a picnic lunch.
There are two potential airports near the prime fishing spot. One will take you a good four hour ride to get to the fishing grounds whereas the other is only one and a half miles. The closer one is a smaller airport and requires an additional ticket which means additional expense. The best thing to do is to fly into the farther airport and enjoy the ride through this beautiful country.
If you’re worried about it being a bumpy ride, don’t worry. Panama boasts about its “first world” roads and beautiful location. You can just get a car or hotel pickup at the airport, sit back, relax, and enjoy the view!
Your best bet at enjoying the experience is finding a fishing charter or tour. Ask some locals what the best one is. Living in Panama gives them a unique perspective about who has successful runs and who does not. A website might boast that they caught three hundred pounds of tuna in two days but a local might tell you that those are they only fish they caught the whole season.
Also, it’s nice to have a charter because they will provide all the equipment that you need as well as food and drink while you’re on the boat. Plus, they leave early in the morning, so even if you are fishing for eight hours, you will still have time to enjoy the beautiful country and other activities while you’re there.