Things to do in Las Vegas

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You’re probably going to Las Vegas because of the attraction of the the fabulous hotels and the shows.

However, you’re only human and your senses can only take so much bombardment from the glitz and the glamor and the noise. So where can you go for a bit of peace and quiet?

Read on and discover some of the oases to be found in the middle of the mayhem that is the Las Vegas Strip.


vegas welcome

Flamingo Hotel Wildlife Habitat

This wonder is located behind the Flamingo Hotel. When you’re weary of the constant hustle and bustle and want a quiet getaway this is the place to come. Bring a sandwich and a takeaway coffee and wander lazily through the gardens, savouring the peace and quiet.


This wonder is located behind the Flamingo Hotel. When you’re weary of the constant hustle and bustle and want a quiet getaway this is the place to come. Bring a sandwich and a takeaway coffee and wander lazily through the gardens, savouring the peace and quiet.

It’s not completely silent though. Every now and then you might be startled by the honking and babbling of the flamingos – somewhat reminiscent of the hubbub in Caesar’s Palace of an evening. There are lots of other wildlife to see, including guinea fowl, penguins and, very relaxing to watch, Japanese koi and turtles, among others.

If you look hard you’ll discover a memorial, almost hidden by the vegetation, dedicated to the man without whom Las Vegas might be a very different place today, Benny “Bugsy”

Siegel. Should you be of a nervous disposition you might want to avoid the park at night as it is rumoured that Bugsy’s ghost occasionally takes a stroll around, no doubt also welcoming the relaxing atmosphere.


Bellagio Hotel Conservatory and Botanical Gardens


As a keen gardener I have to admit to loving this place.

It’s open year round and is free for all. The astonishing array of exotic plants is one thing but the Bellagio’s landscaping experts turn the botanical material they work with into a feast for the eyes as they intertwine the natural world with the man-made world of gazebos, bridges and ponds.

No matter what time of year you visit, the Conservatory will have a display to match the season or holiday. Don’t miss the small glass roofed orchid house whatever you do.

It’s located near to the center of the gardens and has some quite spectacular specimens of these exotic and romantic plants.

As you’re passing through the Bellagio’s lobby take a glance up and you will be greeted by the sight of what is reputed to be the world’s largest glass sculpture, the Fiori di Como, “Flowers of Como”. This fantastic chandelier consists of 2,000 glass flowers, all reflecting and refracting the light in a kaleidoscope of color. The connection with Como is that the Las Vegas Bellagio is modeled on the hotel of the same name which is situated on the shores of Lake Como, Italy.

Relax in a Venetian Gondola


Sticking to the Italian theme why not let the world of Las Vegas drift by as you enjoy a calming ride in a gondola at the Venetian hotel? If you half close your eyes and listen to the sounds of the water gently washing against the side of the boat and the smooth singing of the gondoliers, you can truly believe that you are on the Grand Canal in Venice. The illusion is compounded by the surrounding architecture which has been influenced by the famous landmarks of that part of the world.

The gondolas are modeled on the real thing and there is seating for four. If you really want to escape from it all you can hire a gondola for two but there is a hefty price hike for this luxury. There are indoor and outdoor gondola rides to be had. In my view the outdoor ones have more of the authentic feel of the real Venice but they are both great fun and highly relaxing.

There are many more similar ways to wind down a bit when you’re bored with the glamour and frantic hustle and bustle of the Strip. You might even find that you spend more time looking out for these little oases in the desert than you do in the shops and the gaming houses.

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